La situación del patrimonio urbano en la periferia de la gran ciudad: patrimonio oficial versus patrimonio identitario: el caso de Carabanchel Alto (Madrid)


  • Antonio Jesús Antequera Delgado



The present paper shows how the official criteria for urban heritage assumed by the official catalogues used by the Municipality, are still focused on visual, aesthetics and artistic aspects, forgetting those related to symbolism or urban identity which are associated with collective memory and everyday life of the local population. Additionally, historic criteria are always referred to “official History”, leaving apart “dissonant” or conflictive aspects. So built heritage becomes a contested entity. Reflecting in the official catalogues identitary urban elements, comes out to be a prior issue, especially in the case of the city outskirts, nevertheless, this local urban heritage at a risk situation nowadays without any official recognition, constitutes the material base for the preservation and the persistence of the different urban identities which come together in the modern metropolis.




Sede Lisboa