Ciudades medias, paisajes y espacios de transición: hacia una búsqueda de las claves de sostenibilidad del tejido histórico territorial del sur de la Península Ibérica


  • Blanca del Espino Hidalgo



This study establishes an extract from the Doctoral Thesis entitled “Sustainability in Andalusian Historic Centres. Intermediate Cities in the Centre of Andalusia”, which aims to clarify the keys of sustainability in the historic territorial fabric structuring the South of the Iberian Peninsula, focusing in the intermediate cities of the regions of Andalusia (Spain), Algarve y Alentejo (Portugal). Starting with an approach that defends heritage as a fundamental element in the study of sustainability, the particular objectives of the research are deepening on the bases of environmental, social, economic and cultural balance of these cities; evaluating sustainability in their historic urban fabric; and drawing up specific proposals to face future scenarios where their development does not imply the lack of their heritage values.




Sede Lisboa