Planificar el llocs del rebuig: identificació de la invisibilitat del lloc a través del planejament per resoldre la problemàtica existent


  • Sílvia Segura Baró



The rejection sites grow up from the strained relation between man and nature. They are sites that accumulate whatever we reject, like waste sites, and they are also rejected by the community, an explosive duality that shows a really existing problem. We have to look for measures from the regional development to the conflict produced, in the way that they are territories who have suffered a triple fracture, in the economical, ecological and social way; from the community moving, to the losing of employments, the big presence of toxic materials and pollution, impoverishment of the population, etc... In this case, the regional development had to establish strategies to anticipate the trouble of the site and it has to have the capacity to detect and recognize whatever is intangible, whatever is invisible and whatever is unwanted. The rejection makes the site become invisible, for the community, for decision makers, for economical players. The territory values need to be identified in order to make it visible again. Landscape is the tool offered by territorial planning to establish new refurbishment procedures, as it possesses the sufficient sensibility to analyze transversally the rejection places, bringing along solutions through planning in these sites.




Sede Lisboa