La construcción de la identidad cultural de los paisajes rurales serranos: el caso de Montefrío


  • Jesús M. Pérez Lobelle



Nowadays, rural areas are the victim of a continuing loss of agricultural, environmental, historical, cultural values. The current urban planning interpret a rural land as a negative of the city (undeveloped land) where applies relocated and improper urban management tools. This study aims to recognize the values that characterize and build up the territory and from local identity components of the rural landscape (Sabaté, 2010; Magnaghi, 2011). For this, raises the evolution as a tool for disclosing these identities (González Villaescusa) with which urban planning can protect cultural heritage and encourage the development of a sense of place on a stage of continuos evolution (Montasell, 2010). The study focuses on the town of Montefrío (Granada) sub bética nestled in the mountains; a mountain landscape with historical, agricultural and ethnological values, remote from urban development pressures, away from urban pressures, making it an ideal framework for this research.




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