Tres escalas de intervención para el mejoramiento de hábitat y entorno en la región de Antioquia


  • Giovanna Vittoria Spera



This article presents considerations about the work carried out by the Public Housing Company of Antioquia –VIVA- towards the improvement of living conditions and habitats of different communities. These interventions were made with a multi scale methodology which covers, from large urban scale territory planning exercises, to specific or local scale public-space projects. Although the institutional mission of VIVA is to reduce the quantitative and qualitative deficit of popular housing in Antioquia until it is overcome; we have understood that a good house design is not limited to the private inside of the constructions, but extends to the common spaces between them and its relationship with the rest of the city. This article explains and describes the relationship between the Municipal Integral Projects (PMI), the Municipal Improvement Projects (MME), and the Surrounding Improvement Projects (ME).




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