Configuração urbana e o sistema BRT de Curitiba – Brasil: investigando a qualidade espacial do entorno de terminais: uma metodologia em construção


  • Cristina de Araújo Lima



Optimizing the occupation of space and the use of natural resources is a recommended goal in order to achieve greater urban sustainability, and so is rationalizing and managing efficiently urban flow. This article presents a step of a research in the field of Urban Design that questions how are urban spaces configured in the surroundings of bus stations. The objective is to reflect about results and consequences of urban pro-jects (urban design), especially those affecting a significant part of the population, such as mobility condi-tions in metropolitan centers. Curitiba is the pole of a metropolitan area composed by 29 municipalities, but 13 of them comprised by the integrated transportation system known as RIT, which transports approximately 2 million users daily. The study is justified by the upcoming extension of the RIT system in face of peri-urban growing, environmental limits and the balance for urbanized soil needs. The methodology is of punctuating per categories existing elements and scales of values as first stage as to obtain pointers to manage the ur-ban environment.




Sede Lisboa