Colaboración público-privada y captación de plusvalías en el desarrollo de parques lineales en corredores fluviales urbanos: lecciones aprendidas de la regeneración del frente costero de Rosario (Argentina)


  • Bárbara Pons Giner



Metropolitan planning based on green infrastructure is emerging as a strategic priority in addressing the challenges of rapid urbanization processes experienced by Latin American cities in recent decades. The creation of linear parks along waterways and coastal areas is not only sustainable and highly beneficial from both a social and environmental perspective, but also an economically viable and sustainable strategy over time. The regeneration of the riverfront of the city of Rosario (Argentina) is a good example of this idea. By using a real case study, the aim is to provide evidence on the idea that prioritizing operations in river corridors and waterfronts is feasible here and now in the Latin American context, and that this prioritization can have synergistic effects to reverse the trends of urban decay affecting a large number of cities in the region.




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