Máquinas para la producción del espacio: los diagramas como herramientas del planeamiento relacional


  • Pablo Arráez Monllor




We do not habit cities, but territories, the city-territory that is not a tree but rhizome, a system that produce the multiplicity, a superficial extension bifurcated in all directions (networks) that, in its zones of intensity, generates concretions (nodes, centralities). How can we articulate this city that grows undefined and with no program? Perhaps with an urbanism which aiming not to the representation of the Idea, but to the immanent production of space and sense. Urbanism for the expression of the subjectivity through ecological codes projected on the territories, to ensure the sostenibility of their potentialities. Thereby, that investigation is about a planning whose role is the modelization of the field, to define diagramatic outlines as graphics and procedimental expression for outfit of relational infrastructure to the contemporary city. Diagrams which result of the weakening of their classic geometric structure, for the integration of the environmental, social and mental ecologies.




Sede Lisboa