Paisaje y turismo de masas en la obra de Antonio Bonet Castellana


  • José María López Martínez
  • Edith Aroca Vicente



In the work of Antonio Bonet highlights his euphoric attitude about the utopia of the new architecture. Stripped of prejudice is facing one of the specific events of his time, will be the boom of mass tourism. Throughout his work, Bonet will face virgin territories. Since colonization of Punta Ballena in Uruguay in 1945, through the project spa town of Necochea-Quequén in 1952 in Argentina, the development project of the Manga del Mar Menor in 1961 in Murcia, Andalucía New in 1962 in Marbella and Aiguagelida in 1965 in Girona. Leisure became a problem to which modern urban planning should provide an answer. The return to nature and the outdoors, the sun, sea and sand, became the new habits of leisure.




Sede Lisboa