Implementación y gestión conjunta de acciones públicas y privadas en la solución habitacional: el caso de la ciudad Villa del Rosario, Argentina


  • María Noelia Almeira Cúneo



This research is part of the Master Thesis theme (UNC,FAUD), “Implementation and combined management of public and private acts for the housing solution destined for an industrial workers sector”; that is developed as a consequence to the limited ability of the public institutions, to provide effective solutions to the housing demands of the people/citizens, and which confirms the requirement of new political management alternatives involving extra-State agents. Usually, due to the high costs of the urban land and the construction, the people that have stable economic incomes, but don’t have saving potential to cover the cost of home ownership, are excluded from being possible residents of urban projects. The aim of this work is to present a strategy to allow the middle-low social class sector to inhabit housing projects that are inserted in the urban area, through public- private agreement policy.




Sede Lisboa