Política de regularización del hábitat popular urbano en la Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina, 1983-2007


  • Mariana Relli Ugartamendía




From the early '90s, various government initiatives have been gestated and developed in the province of Buenos Aires, Argentina, to address the irregularity of the popular urban habitat. This problem started to be included in the public agenda around the late '80s with the subsequent democratic restructuring of the military dictatorship underway. The set of regularization measures which have been approached from different organizations shows different profiles. They are linked to the classes of irregularities that attempts to correct and to the particular conflict situations that they have faced, creating a range of measures with variable impact in the short or medium term. In this paper we propose to show: a) forms of irregularity and the regularization created in the province between 1983 and 2007 , noting differences within the period; b) the analysis of the arguments expressed in the discourse of political actors , both in interviews and in the basics of ad hoc laws.




Sede Lisboa