La herencia de las trazas en la ciudad existente: geometría y continuidad en la morfogénesis del proyecto urbano contemporáneo


  • Susana Inostroza Toro



The title: "The traces legacy in the existing city" refers to aspects of urban design presented in the existing city. The subtitle that accompanies it, called "Geometry and continuity in the contemporary urban project morphogenesis" includes the complex and formal projective dimension which the contemporary urban project has been able to create in the city. It also refers to the mark traces presented in the city and in current urban projects distinguished in many categories within this landscape. The central hypothesis is based on the potential influence that the traces have on the creation of new urban projects and public spaces in the contemporary city. While the revised project respond to actual city needs, he is perceived firmly anchored and linked to the history of the place too. Therefore, the past experiences in many cities of the world will be always relevant.




Sede Lisboa