El proceso de subdivision paracelaria y la configuracion de la imagen heterogenea de la ciudad latinoamericana: caso de estudio: ciudad de Córdoba, Argentina


  • Omar Paris




The words complicated and disorder, imperfection and chaos, are used to qualify the image of the Latin American city. Is disorder?, is chaos?, where we are positioned to make such statements? Hypothesis: The irregularly shaped is not a negative value of Latin American cities. It is another form of city that characterizes and identifies. If we know his generation process in a case study and verify that this really is identified in many other Latin American cities, we are talking about a identity trait shared. Objectives: Define features for use with proyectuales purposes. Visualize generating process of these featu-res (case study: 70 foundational blocks from Cordoba, Argentina) Establish operational criteria to act in urban design from heterogeneity. Continue Cordoba School's research lines. This article discusses the morphological analysis of the process of parcel division. Leaving for an upcoming presentation Process changes of Ordinances which is in preparation.




Sede Lisboa