Nuevas territorializaciones en las regiones metropolitanas: las dos orillas del frente fluvial metropolitano de Rosario, Argentina


  • Cecilia Galimberti



Since the last decades of the twentieth century is registered an acceleration of processes characterized by generating new dynamics of territorialisation. These des-reterritorialisations change the logics of the metropolitan areas, creating relationships and interconnection flows leading to a new "metropolisation". In this context, it is considered that taxative territorial limits turn out to be obsolete and restrictive. So, taking as a case of study the metropolitan banks of Rosario, the present article proposes to demonstrate the obsolescence of the traditional concept of Metropolitan Area - AMR-, given the diverse territorial dynamics that take place in recent decades, and it is replaced with the concept of Metropolitan Region. It is considered that the vision that raises the Paraná as limit of the AMR prevents from understanding the potentials and relations that happen nowadays in this territory. For which, this look is reversed, considering the river as a structural element of it.




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