Molinos de agua en Chile y España: la creación artesanal al servicio del paisaje campesino


  • Antonio Sahady Villanueva
  • José Bravo Sánchez
  • Carolina Quilodrán Rubio



Mills Chilean, scattered in distant locations together, deserve special attention, as they represent a resource of cultural meaning proof. By way of example, be care exponents of three strong identity rural sectors, such as: Pañul, Frutillar and Chiloé. The management model can be found in Spain, where these artifacts have attained prestige and admiration. In Chile, meanwhile, need to go a long way before these assets form part of official plans for safeguarding heritage. Differential and growing demand that has had in recent decades tourism has prompted the creation of new variants, sustained on the recognition of the assets. Among those variants appears alternative tourism, which fixed his attention on those little valued goods. Water mills, nestled in the rural landscape, are potential reasons for inclusion in this type of tourism.




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