Ensino de projeto arquitetônico e configuração urbana: reflexões a partir da prática de atelier


  • Almir Francisco Reis




This paper presents some recurring issues in Architectural Design and, from them, discusses general aspects of the relationship between architecture, city and the formation process of the professional architect as a whole. The approach focuses on the significant role of architecture in the definition of urban space, considered here as one of the key variables of the design process. The listed issues arise from the teaching practice in higher education, as well as wider theoretical and methodological aspects. From there, the work deepens the understanding that, for an effective experience of the different dimensions of architectural design, is essential to conciliate urban and architectural contents in the design studio, as well as to consider different scales of intervention and analysis. Contextualizing the discussion, the work details the experience we have had with teaching in the Course of Architecture and Urban Planning of the Federal University of Santa Catarina, background of developed reflection.




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