Patrimonio rural y paisaje: los espacios de transición urbano-rural, un llamado de atención


  • Isabel Martínez de San Vicente
  • Mirta Soijet
  • Ana Cicchini
  • Graciela Baglione



The contemporary city is the result of a continuous and rapid growth where logic and management of design produce impacts that are perceived on the landscape and territory. Those dynamics of change are reflected in the edges of the consolidated city and in the ownership of agricultural land. The edges, the interface between the two situations, results in an area that alternates rural and spread residential use, affecting environmental conditions in these suburban areas. The appreciation of this new modality (urban sprawl) acquires specific characteristics in the context of metropolitan areas of Rosario and Santa Fe, registering in the period 2002-2012, the transformations in the residential use – both in its condition of closed and open neighborhood in the suburban area. This point of view is approached from the observation of the contemporary metropolitan landscape, and it has among its main objectives to contribute to the construction of new tools to assess the landscape border between the natural and the built, understood as a sustainable heritage resource in time. This research takes as its antecedent the comparative and interpretive study of the processes of transformation in land use of the mentioned areas, and intends to verify in the centrality, as in the edges and the expansions, forms and modalities of soil occupation in relation to landscape features.




Sede Lisboa