Un paisaje cultural en clave ambiental: Santa Elena, pueblo de la carne: cuatro casos, un territorio


  • Nadia Vanesa Jacob




In the last years, the town-planning discipline warns the challenge of reinventing the territory from the comprehension of its logics of construction. The Cattle as system of production has affected in the occupation processes. Also, its cultural and natural became the iconic scenery of the Argentine Nation. These precedents allow us to recognize the cattle landscape as a resource to be interpreted, to be protected and to be projected. In this frame, the present work reflects on the possibility of articulating the notions of environmental heritage and cultural landscape across the study of the scenery both in its territorial and urban scale. The used methodology consists of an strategic approach, from a group of emblematic cases. In this direction there are analyzed four cases located on the coasts of the Parana and Uruguay rivers that share the production of extract of meat.




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