Urbanismo contemporâneo: aportes teóricos, metodológicos e novas figuras conceituais para a América Latina


  • Eliana Rosa de Queiroz Barbosa




The paper revises the contemporary urbanism´s theory and concepts as means of introducing its theoretical and practical approaches – urban morphology and urban projects. The main goal is to construct new concepts which represent and explain the latin-american cities´s materialization, which as pointed by Waisman (2013), lack of theorization of their own, relying on Northern Theory, many times not appropriated to the peculiar urban conditions socio cultural and materiality faced by southern cities. First we discuss the different interpretation of the discipline by means of Historic, theoretical and critical revision. In the conclusion, some conceptual figures are proposed, as mediating elements between theory and practice of urbanism in its European origin and the reality of Latin American cities.




Sede Lisboa