Vivienda e integración de grupos sociales vulnerables en la ciudad: el caso de la Operación Bolsas de Deterioro Urbano en Madrid


  • Angela Bedoya Ruiz



In the context of European urban development, housing policies and relocation programmes are commonly used to foster urban integration of vulnerable social groups. However, these measures and their associated effects are still up for debate, mainly due to the limited impact spatial transformation of reduced areas has shown on other aspects of social exclusion. This article, through the analysis of a specific case, the Bolsas de Deterioro Urbano programme in Madrid, attempts to link spatial planning and land management processes to those of social integration in the urban environment. We conclude that alterations made to the management and land use dispositions of some of the areas included in the programme, as well as the absence of surveillance of urban development trends occurred after its implementation, and the poor study of relocation effects on the population groups affected by the programme interventions, deviate this one from its initially established ideological posture.




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