Passagem e permanência: um estudo sobre o movimento do pedestre no cruzamento da Avenida Paulista com a Rua da Consolação


  • Isabelle Cristina Maciel de Brito Soares
  • Angélica Aparecida Tanus Benatti Alvim



This paper assess the situation of pedestrian movement on an important crossing of the City of São Paulo, Street of Consolação and Avenida Paulista. This region comprises a node of urban transportation made by connection of two subway lines and a bus lane. The problem that arises in this research is the lack of an urban drawing that covers the transport infrastructure systems and its surroundings. The methodology developed by Ghel (2013), which analyzes the public space and the importance of human scale for better urban design will be used. We present here the synthesis of a survey assessing pedestrian mobility conditions in public areas, through analysis of the relationship between walking, walking around and staying, as well as the links between land use, the physical conditions of space public and how is the pedestrian mouvement in this space.




Sede Lisboa