Hub de mobilidade e projeto urbano: ações urbanísticas e infraestrutura de transporte na metrópole de São Paulo


  • Marlon Rubio Longo



The subject of this article is the mobility hubs, intermodal stations classified as the main nodes of a public transportation network. Because of the variety of transportation modes that these points articulate, they are privileged areas of accessibility and connectivity in both local and metropolitan scale, overcoming the exclusive technical definition as transportation equipment and being considered inductors of urban transformations. The study context is the São Paulo metropolitan area, involving its current urban issues and the alternatives planned for public transportation system. During the research we seeks to discuss the interaction between mobility networks and urbanization in the metropolis, the instability derived from the expansion pattern of the urbanized area, plans that intends to link mobility and land use, and a purposeful step – the focus of this article – in which we identify the mobility hubs in São Paulo planned transportation network and investigate their influence areas.




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