Meio ambiente, urbanização e assentamentos precários: desafios para os projetos urbanos contemporâneos no Brasil


  • Angelica Tanus Benatti Alvim
  • Viviane Manzione Rubio
  • Jeane A. de Godoy Rosin
  • Luciano Albamonte da Silva



This article is a brief research report in progress that aims to identify the main characteristics of slum upgrading projects processes, located in areas of permanent preservation, implemented under the responsibility of different municipalities of the Metropolitan Region of São Paulo, Brazil. This is on the assumption that urbanize a precarious settlement is, today, a challenge to urban public policies. In areas environmentally preserved the challenge is redoubled: environmental preservation and the right to housing must be guaranteed. The chosen projects address the issue innovatively combining multiple actions to an urban and environmental perspective: 1) São Paulo: Cantinho do Céu, Zona Sul, junto à Represa Billings; 2) São Paulo: Parque Tiquatira, Zona Leste, e 3) Osasco: Favela Colinas D’Oeste. The analysis of the experiments presented in summary tables has highlighted the obstacles and potential of projects, listing those that may be standard in combating the issue.




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