Bordes e interfases: miradas sobre el paisaje del periurbano norte del gran Santa Fe; Argentina


  • Graciela Verónica Mantovani
  • María Celeste Peralta Flores



The work described has the geographic frame of three Argentine locations in process of conurbation and its interface: Santa Fe, Monte Vera and Recreo. In the last years, the city of Santa Fe as a central nucleous has covered almost all of its jurisdictional territory with its residential and productive demands. In order to continue its expansive development, the territorial support of neighboring towns is needed. This growing dynamics installs the metropolization process in a new planning frameword. In this mutating context, the historic fruit-horticultural activity that has surrounded the urban area of Santa Fe City has considerably reduced its working area in the last decade. Consequently the continuity of this work is undergoing a crisis. Reading the productive rural space in historical, environmental and administrative terms allows us to reflect upon the installed transformation, as well as rethinking about possible planning instruments appropriate to actual changes in scale.




Sede Lisboa