La urbanización global: de lo andino a lo urbano: desterritorialización y reterritorialización del Centro Histórico de Quito: breve aproximación a una genealogía de la calle Cuenca


  • María Susana Grijalva



This article analyzes the processes of deterritorialization and reterritorialization in the Historic Center of Quito, through a genealogy of the Cuenca street. The research goal is to understand how the Andean cities are both a mixed space and a territory in constant dispute between different worldviews. Through its own tactics and strategies, transnational capitalism imposes the parameters that allow cities to get properly inserted as consumer products in the world market, using the urban space only as a resource for accumulation. The global urbanization generates dynamics that tend to disappear lifestyles and practices that are part of local identities, from a hegemonic model of city.




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