Registros da concepção urbanística de Palmas-TO (1989): aportes das experiências predecessoras de Goiânia e Brasília


  • Ana Beatriz Araujo Velasques
  • Thiago Ramos Machado
  • Letícia Bernardes Campos



The main Brazilian urbanism influences detected during the research on the conception of Palmas, capital of Tocantins state, refer to the creation of new capital cities in Brazilian middle-west, highlighting in particular Goiânia and Brasília Masterplans. In this sense, the paper starts from the following question: how such experiences/achievements reverberated through the repertoire and life and professional trajectories of the authors of the Palmas project, in 1989, the architects Luiz Fernando Cruvinel and Walfredo Antunes? In the search for answers, the projective principles and planning guidelines expressed in Capital of Tocantins Project Memorial will approximate the experiences of these professionals, in order to recognize that the urban activity, as expressed Lacaze (1992), results from an intentional design that combines a mature historical experience and a clear ideological orientation.




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