Santiagos Ponientes ou formas de conceber um projeto urbano


  • Gisela Barcellos de Souza



This article aims to contribute to establish the semantic boundaries of what is meant by urban project in Latin America through the comparative analysis of two proposals for Santiago Poniente neighborhood in Santiago, Chile: one developed in1977 and the other in 1991. Although the fact that the latter was proposed as rescue and reassurance of the first one – which aimed the preservation and development of typo-morphological standards found in that neighborhood – and that the same authors designed both; the two projects differ significantly. The hypothesis that we seek to demonstrate is that the temporal passage reveals the vicissitudes of ideas: the first look at the neighborhood was speculative and provocative; the second was pragmatic and conciliatory, seeking to enable its implementation. In both, however, remains the aspect of the project understood as a way to research and to product new knowledge on a given territory.




Sede Lisboa