Energía solar y forma urbana: análisis de morfología urbana para la opti


  • Giovany Albarracin Vélez




This article discusses the incorporation of solar energy in rapidly expanding suburban environments, representative case study Cuenca City Ecuador and Latin America. But what are the ideals for sustainable growth patterns ?; the compact city or diffuse city, the work aims to contribute in this search. There are many variables that make a sustainable settlement, in this paper we focus on the processes of densification and its impact on land consumption "urban footprint" and the relationship with this, energy consumption and solar power generation; thus trying to give guidelines, tools that facilitate decisions when designing new systems with sustainable criteria. For this three areas of greatest peripheral growth in this city was identified, for morphological analysis, putting its focus on urban footprint, consumption and generation energy. What is the density, urban footprint, optimal catchment area to allow an urban design that promotes the use of renewable energy and contributes to sustainable development are the most important contributions of this work.




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