La ordenación del reposo en la España del régimen franquista: las ciudades sindicales y la cualificación para el descanso


  • Ricardo Carcelén González



The Obra Sindical de Educación y Descanso built in Spain three new settlements for the repose of the working class. With this research we propose to evaluate these three Trade Union cities to identify possible parameters which allow us to speak of qualification for the repose. To do this, we first present the analogous actions carried out by the totalitarian regimes in Italia and Germany as ideological and conceptual models. Then, we analyse the contemporary villages designed by the architects from Instituto Nacional de Colonización as settlements associated with the work in the fields, with respect to a several parameters set in the text. Finally, we do a comparative analysis between the previous villages and the three Trade Union cities, to identify singularities in the planning of these cities and in the design of their architectures which allow us, as we said, speak of settlements qualified for the repose.




Sede Lisboa