Espaços públicos de lazer em Florianópolis/SC: análise de praças e parques da bacia hidrográfica do Itacorubi


  • Adriana Carvalho da Silva Storch
  • Adriana Marques Rossetto
  • Veridiana Atanasio Scalco



The city of Florianopolis has presented a high demographic growth since 1970. Over the past 45 years, its population has increased from around 150,000 to 470,000 inhabitants. The Itacorubi River Basin, where the districts of Itacorubi, Santa Mônica, Córrego Grande, Pantanal, and Trindade are located, have also followed this tendency, concentrating currently around 55,000 residents. In this region, there are 28 recreational public spaces, including parks, squares, and green areas, but notflowerbeds and lawns. The objective of this research is to create a database on these areas using a geographic information system (GIS) software, including variables such as form, functions, equipments, area,date of creation, among others.The method is divided into three parts: establishment of research variables, on-site data collection, from the systematic observation technique and data processing and storage in GIS. As a result, this paper presents the database and the details of procedures of the analyzed venue (JardimAlbatroz Square). In a following research, it is expected to identify the most important correlations amongthe variables, as a basis for a set of projective guidelines.




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