Um marco para a expografia da forma urbana: a borda d’água na área central de Florianópolis. Santa Catarina. Brasil.


  • Luiza Helena Ferraro
  • Gilberto Sarkis Yunes



The article discusses the reading of urban space using expography path defined by the extinct edge water from maritime landfills in cities. This marks or trace, often imaginary, presents itself as a guide for the analysis and recognition of construction form and urban landscape. By looking at both sides of this line defined the spaces that investigates: the area bounded by South Bay landfill and the foundational center of Florianopolis. On the one hand, the city shows its deployment of origin and urban consecration. On the other, the time of road expansion, with copies of the desired modernity. These spaces provide a script based elements for the interpretation of the urban collection as a diffuse museum. Show these different territories in context, enables the search and apprehension of the city building process, articulating the importance of preservation and exposure of the elements that constitute them.




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