Recorridos en red: fragmentos urbanos vinculados mediante el movimiento peatonal: el caso de Florencia


  • María Fernanda León Vivanco



In the urban fabric, mostly undifferentiated, there are connections that are noted for their high degree of urbanity, which become pedestrian paths that cross the fragments, join them and facilitate the transition from one piece to another. Consider that these elements play a fundamental role in urban life puts relevance in those characteristics or values they have and allow its appropriation and use, while motivate the inhabitant to walking them frequently. In the old town of Firenze, in these areas defined by pedestrians, it is possible identify the qualities that give or not meaning to the city, that shapes a net of pedestrian routes and structures the fragmentary city. This work contains an analysis of the pieces that conforms the central area, of the itineraries that emerge in it and a study of the points where they joins allowing their continuity.




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