Intervenções contemporâneas do patrimônio industrial em cidades do nordeste brasileiro: estudos de casos em Campina Grande e Recife


  • Alcilia Afonso



This text deals with observations on the architectural interventions that the industrial heritage collection has been suffering in the Brazilian northeastern cities, through an analytical and critical eye. In specific case studies, two examples of interventions will be taken: the first is in one city of “Agreste” region of the state of Paraíba, Campina Grande, the old “Fábrica Marques de Almeida”; and the second is in the city of Recife, capital of Pernambuco - the old ”Fábrica da Macaxeira”, now a center of education and socio cultural and sports activities, that in contemporary times goes through a process of awareness and community outreach for your revitalization. The objective of this work is to disseminate the results of research to the research group Architecture and Place, registered at CNPq, and linked to the undergraduate degree in “Arquitetura e lugar”/ UFCG, and Master's programs in Design/ UFCG and Arts, Heritage and Museology/ UFPI.




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