A (i)mobilidade como reflexo das desigualdades no espaço urbano


  • Eduardo Leite Souza
  • Maria Inês Sugai




The urban mobility theme has had repercussions. Usually the issue is addressed as a problem in itself, not as a result of a social process that reflects several factors, interests and correlations of forces in urban space. The article aims to investigate the urban dynamics evidenced in displacements through the mobility analysis and urban integration of the developments of the Minha Casa Minha Vida Program in metropolitan area of Florianópolis-SC. It is concluded that urban mobility is inseparable from many other urban and social issues and the urban sprawl process in the continental area has been strengthened by housing developments. Although the housing program having been successful in various aspects, the insertion of the projects is not accompanied by adequate transport infrastructure, services and urban attractions, which combined with government incentives to the automotive industry, leads to a dependence on individual motorized transport, with impacts throughout the region.




Sede Lisboa