Anclas, bordes y debordes del shopping center: tres escalas del espacio percibido del Quicentro Shopping Center, Quito, Ecuador


  • Daniela Sofía Loaiza Jiménez



In academic narrative about Shopping Centers, there are debates about the urban transformations around these architectures. On the one hand there is the point of view that "demonizes" the shopping center, accusing him of being a threat to the city. On the other hand there is a trend that poses the shopping center as an opportunity and, finally, there is the contemporary trend that describes the shopping center as a phenomenon that has caused morphological transformations, new forms of occupation and appropriation of space and realignment of its uses. This way, the present research discusses these narratives from case study Quicentro Shopping Center in Quito- Ecuador, analyzing ANCHORS or poles of attraction. Also, permeable or autistic EDGES and OVERFLOWS or activities of the shopping center that go beyond its walls and manifest themselves in their immediate environment, looking for patterns of transformation of the city (conceived and perceived), on different scales, by inserting the shopping center.




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