A participação popular no planejamento urbano: a experiência brasileira: o es


  • João Telmo de Oliveira Filho




This article derives from a doctoral thesis presented at the Program in Urban and Regional Planning at the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS) and investigates urban planning practices by evaluating processes related to the master plan of the city of Porto Alegre - Brazil. Part of considerations about the democratization of urban planning in Brazil and the constitutionalisation of the urban issue. As a case study analyzed the review process of the Plano Diretor de Desenvolvimento Urbano e Ambiental – PDDUA (Lei Complementar nº 434/ 1999, atualizada e compilada pela Lei Complementar nº 667/2011). The work also included interviews with institutional representatives and community and the conducting field research, with the population of Porto Alegre, where they were questioned aspects of the review process of the master plan, assessing, finally, if the urban planning and management practices studied are effectively participatory and inclusive.




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