Estruturação morfológica de projetos urbanos: a articulação entre os sistemas de espaços públicos e


  • Karine Lise Schäfer



Research now under development of the understanding of the fragmented condition and diffuse the current city facing the global views of prior periods and the potential of urban projects in operating in city design, promote cohesion and articulation of its parts and respond to new forms of urbanity of contemporary society. The approach of the morphological structure enables a city of reading that identifies the tension between permanence and change, and situations / potential urban sites for the implementation of urban projects in Navegantes, SC. Therefore it is proposed initially recognition of the formal structure of the city as its high permanence condition when associated with collective uses -public and community facilities spaces. It has been a working hypothesis that urban projects, public spaces system and community facilities to overlap, articulate and coexist can generate more representative urban spaces, more skilled and more urban vitality.




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