54 piscinões nas várzeas do Alto Tietê: o projeto de retenção de água pluvial na Bacia do Rio Aricanduva


  • Marta Juliana Abril




This research aims to discuss the potential challenges and benefits of integrating water infrastructure in urban morphology. The case study that will be examined is the Flood Storage Reservoirs System, or as it is colloquially referred to “Piscinões”, along with its interface processes and the mediation with the urban structure of the Metropolitan Region of São Paulo. The main objective is to contribute to an approach that embraces a multidisciplinary understanding of rainwater retention system, which moves beyond its perception as mere flow systems whose ultimate goal is technical efficiency. It is evident that rainwater retention systems have the potential to play a role in the spatial improvement at different scales as well as contributing to the readability and structuring of the the localities which they belong to.




Sede Lisboa