O protagonismo do programa Minha Casa Minha Vida Rural em um assentamento do Movimento dos Sem Terra: o caso do Assentamento Mártires de Abril, Mosqueiro-PA


  • Yúri de Alcântara Pinto Rebello




This paper assesses the production of the program Minha Casa Minha Vida Rural (My House My Life Rural, PMCMVR) in the administrative district of Mosqueiro, Pará, studying the projects "Land and Freedom I and II", arranged in the Settlement Martyrs April (AMA). In the last twenty years, the district presented a reconfiguration of its urban space, highlighting mainly the growth of slums. It analyses the role of the Landless Movement (MST), organizer of the settlement benefited by PMCMVR, analyzes the agenda of movement and changes caused by the relationship between housing policy and the state's role as a landregulating agent and technical assistance promoter ténica through a Family Farming project developed in the AMA. Ethnographic incursions in the field unveil the role of the community leaders in expanding PMCMVR in the face of urban practices characterized by the implementation of sparse housing units demonstrating the role of the program in a rural land conversion in urban context.




Sede Lisboa