Estudo da influência da presença das estações de metrô sobre estrutura espacial urbana


  • Claudia Dall’Igna Rodrigues



This article presents a research that seeks to understand how the implementation of a subway station in consolidated urban environment changes the dynamics sócioespaciais of its surroundings. The study intends through spatial analysis and sociogeographical data to understand the transformation of urban space structure that may be associated with the presence of the station. The city is a dynamic structure, a complex system as a network of physical and social relations, where interventions on the built environment will interfere on the whole system. The research starts from the principle that while a transit station resets the accessibility of a site in its relation with the urban system, it also interferes with the socio-spatial structure of its surroundings. The relationship between transport as restructuring element and urban form is assed through changes concerning population, landuse and accessibility. The growing number of metro networks, together with the increasing need for urban mobility, justifies the need to deepen the analysis of their impacts on the urban structure. This research as a master's degree is under development, and about to initiate the empirical study, and its results shall be presented in due course. The highest limitation found so far is the availability of data at the required scale and time (before and after the station) allowing the proposed analysis.




Sede Lisboa