Análise de indicadores de sustentabilidade no espaço urbano: aplicação em loteamentos da cidade de Francisco Beltrão-PR


  • Mônica Aparecida Gonçalves
  • Adriana Kunen



This article aims to analyze the presence of sustainability aspects in two subdivisions of the city of Francisco Beltrao - PR, using the categories of urban sustainability brought by the City Statute or Federal Law No. 10,257 / 2001. The main objective of this research was to pay attention to the importance of applying sustainable guidelines in the current cities, mainly in the expansion of urban areas, as is the case of the two allotments in the study. The method used to measure the indicators was the analysis of maps and documents and their confrontation in the field of research, with the characterization of the implanted allotments. The results show that the allotments, although recently executed, have deficiencies in various categories of urban sustainability, which could be solved with the incorporation of new parameters of sustainable urbanization to local public policies, also attempt to control the action of the real estate market the expansion of local urban space.




Sede Lisboa