"Desde la impermeable buenos aires...": geografía, historia y diversidad: claves para la construcción de una mirada sostenible


  • Gabriela Giselle Gubel




This article focuses on building a look on the problems of developing efficient strategies of urban transformation that are supposed to be sustainable and long-lasting. This look is built on three fundamental pillars of contemporary urbanism : history, geography and diversity. These three variables will guide us in the analysis of the city, identifying opportunities for action to finally develop a series of scenarios and strategies of transformation. It is used as a case study the city of Buenos Aires as this is currently the subject of urban policies that advocate sustainability under the motto "Green City ". A special emphasis is on the south side of town because that is where the largest number of proposals for urban regeneration are focused due to its historical imbalance in socio- economic terms from the center and north of the city.




Sede Lisboa