Espacios rurales en transición: la(s) forma(s) del territorio rural contemporáneo: los municipios de Guatapé y El Peñol (Antioquia, Colombia)


  • Laura López Osorio



Contemporary rural areas can no longer be identified and explained with visual representations or concepts that prevailed until a few decades ago. The recent social and economic transformation that has occurred in them, with the incorporation of urban logic on the traditionally agricultural land, have been modified to produce new vocations, lifestyles and physical forms in rural territory that are the result of the interweaving of logic urban and traditional rural. While this transformation has been recognized and analyzed with some profusion from social and economic perspectives, the new physical form that the territory acquires as synthetic and objective resulting from these processes has not been rigorously studied. This research focuses on the description of the transformation of the physical form of Guatapé and El Peñol municipalities, which in light of the interaction between rural and urban values have been multiple and differential physical responses in the management and configuration rural land . However it is considered that a comparative look of different portions of the territory allow us to discover trends and commonalities that account for generalizable, own and existing configuration and transformation of contemporary rural areas of both municipalities inherent physical logic.




Sede Lisboa