Uma experiência concreta de planejamento territorial: avaliação do Plano Diretor Municipal (PDM) de Ibiporã/PR


  • Luciana Quevedo Nunes Honda
  • Ideni Terezinha Antonello



This article aims to evaluate the planning and urban management, and master plans produced in Brazil in recent decades. For the analysis of the proposed theme was essential reasons for establishing legal instruments for the Brazilian territorial planning. The approval of the City Statute (CS) has generated expectations of change in the direction of policy and land management towards building fairer municipalities, socially and environmentally. The CS has introduced tools for the fulfillment of the social function of property and to institutionalize the participation of society. After 15 years of experience, we discuss about the transformative impact of this standard, taking as reference the review of PDM Participatory Ibiporã / PR. The PDM participatory planning could not modify the unequal development trajectory in the cities, however, diversified and expanded the playing field and set up alternative spaces for popular representation.




Sede Lisboa