Lineamientos para la definición de un modo de crecimiento urbano sostenible: el Caso de Mendoza (Argentina), provincia de tierras secas


  • Mariana Silvina Sammartino



Currently, globalization is creating processes that substantially alter territorial urban systems. In Mendoza, the processes of occupation have generated a territory fragmenting product of the historical interaction between nature and society, existing dominant spaces (oases) dominated over other (non-irrigated drylands). This has been a model of unbalanced territorial concentration diffuse reflection of an underdeveloped region with a very hierarchical spatial structure and a predominance of urban sprawl, heavily concentrated in the oases. Only 3% of the provincial surface irrigation has drylands where, thanks to the systematic and comprehensive use of water, urban centers and live productive activities. By presenting the cities as dominant growth mode expansion of the urban area on the few irrigated drylands, we proceed to develop guidelines aimed at defining a sustainable way of urban growth for Mendoza province dryland.




Sede Lisboa