Interfase de transicion urbano-territorial: el reconocimiento de una nueva categoría estructural y su operatividad: el caso del Área Metropolitana Santa Fe-Paraná


  • Mirta Soijet
  • Graciela Mantovani
  • María Celeste Peralta Flores



Santa Fe and Parana cities and their agglomerates, recognizes a particular process of territorial organization in which the expansions identify a conflict between rural and urban uses. The transformation of rural to urban land and the consequent emergence of interfaces between these two dynamics, where they are being diluted particular caracteristiques of each of these instances to create a space of uncertainty that constantly mutates its form and identity and with little capacity organize the whole in our particular type of Latinamerican city. The reading is done in historical, environmental and administrative terms to reflect on the installed transformation, as well as gradually guide the possible instruments chords think this juncture by which it is crossed this territory. Results try to provide definitional elements to a new category (analytical and operational) applicable to the Latinamerican city.




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