A ocupação urbana no litoral norte do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil


  • Eduardo Baptista Lopes




The Northern Coast of Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil, is a region that have been place of several transformation in its forms of urban occupation and growth throughout history. Since the first occupations by ranches and farms to the current arrangements predominantly tourist, cities in this region went through a series of changes of uses and forms. This article aims to show the periods of occupation of the North Coast of Rio Grande do Sul, delimited by identifying the uses, the analysis of the forms of urban growth, the urban mesh and typology of buildings encountered in the region. In research it was possible to identify four periods in the process of occupation of the region: ranches and farms (up to 1888), health tourism (1888-1940), coastal allotments (1940-1995) and gated communities (1995-2016).




Sede Lisboa