Cidade emoção: o ver e o viver os espaços públicos por um grupo de jovens a partir da comunidade Carobinha no Rio de Janeiro


  • Glauci Coelho
  • Luciana da Silva Andrade
  • Vera M. R. de Vasconcellos



This report tries to understand the city through the look of young people that lives in a place expose to poverty conditions. What move us to try understand how, starting to the feelings, those young people are able to construct in interaction process in and with urban space, the perception of city to the notice their identities in it. To characterization of this city, that we decide to call “emotion city”, so was collected representations that they usually express at drawings and speeches about the urban space, since they are captured images at collective imaginary of the habitants. The objective of this research has been to try understand the living area to the Rio de Janeiro, through to young peoples’ perceptive processes bring up urban complexity as they reveal identity territory and daily experiences. Therefore, this young people’s interactional relation became itself at one of most important parts at development for the individual that was analyzed having at base Vygotski’s idea (1998). This theory context, our object of study, the city, take itself culturally as one emotional neighborhood, of habitants’ domain, although it is in a territory belongs to the city habitants, the center where the knowledge come from that is the all urban.




Sede Lisboa