Bordes conurbados metropolitanos, interacción socio-espacial y fragmentación territorial en el área metropolitana del Valle de Aburrá


  • Juan Esteban Patiño Vanegas



This research studies the metropolitan urban edges that are directly linked with other cities, their relation, interactions and how they act as a single territory, considering this as the subordination of one main city to other peripherals. In some cases, there is a physical space development and it is compared with planning processes that have been generated for these áreas. Furthermore, observations can be made that unite them or the differentiate them in an organic manner. Which points to the city is unified and its own structural urban behavior as a single territory, from the different components of urban structure: roads, public buildings, uses of soil, centers, urban design and community; leaving aside relationships that limit administrative politics that regulate processes which may be unnoticed to the socio-spatial dynamics on a more global scale.




Sede Lisboa