Fragmentos de identidad insular: paisaje y cultura local como herramientas para la planificación turística de Agaete y Alghero


  • Omar Sosa García



Some coastal historic cities with certain potential of tourism development and strong cultural traditions need a proper planning able to tackle such development. Overexploitation of the coastal strip drives the deterioration of the elements that make it different from other territories, basic reason for its possible tourist attraction. Local culture and landscape are inextricably linked, influence cities and territories development and can be the basis of an environmentally and socially sustainable tourism development. So, with Agaete and Alghero as cases of study, analysis of all forms of expression of the local, historical tradition will set the contemporary image of their culture, where landscapes articulate spaces in which this culture is developed, allowing to understand its territorial structure and its subsequent revaluation.




Sede Lisboa